My initial thought after hearing about Frankenstein is that it is amazing that a girl so young could write a book that has been and will be so well-known throughout the ages. She raised the standard of writing and what is considered a classic novel; an amazing feat considering the fact that, in her time period, men were considered the more dominant, more important gender.
In Frankenstein, a scientist decided to take life into his own hands and create life. I believe that man has no right to create an artificial life. Playing God, to me, is extremely immoral. Though a person may be able to bring something to life, they lack the ability to give it a soul. Only God can create a creature that contains a soul and a conscience.
I do not believe that it is possible to live forever while still residing on Earth. Something inanimate cannot give eternal life to a creature because it does not possess life in the first place. Nothing can completely keep nature from taking its course because nature is not a physical being. Just like time, the cycle of life and death cannot be stopped. Though a life can be either taken or prolonged, death is not something that can be denied completely.
I do believe that monsters can reside within us. A monster does not necessarily have to be a living being. It could be an object or addiction, as seen in an alcoholic, drug junkie, or even an anorexic person. An alcoholic is consumed only by thoughts of alcohol; an anorexic consumed by fear or revulsion of themselves. Anything that overtakes your mind and controls your actions could be labeled as a "monster." It is possible, however, that a monster could be a living being. I have grown up believing that a person could be inhabited by a demon or a creature that originates in hell. After all, if one believes in heaven, they must also believe in hell. Therefore, if creatures from heaven exist, creatures from hell must also be real.
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