Monday, September 27, 2010

Ramblings From a Dog Lover

When you think of a pitbull, what do you see? Terrible, horrible, filthy creatures that need to be destroyed? I dont. I see a beautiful, powerful, misunderstood dog that deserves some respect. I read an article called
Pit Bull Ban Punishes Dogs for Bad Owners by Radley Balko, and I have to say that I agree with his opinions on this subject.

Left: Tuxedo, Right: Dixie
   The dog on the right is my dog Dixie. Lots of people dont ever want to have anything to do with her because " she looks too much like a pit bull." Though she is a big teddy bear, she is continually judged based on how she looks. Is it her fault that her body is built for fighting? No. Thats like going up to a man that is very largely built and saying, " Im sorry but I think you should be banned from the city because you look like you have the potential to be dangerous." Every dog has the potential to be dangerous and most dogs that are mean are the products of abuse and neglect. It is the monsters that made these dogs mean that should be punished.

"Eighty-four percent of the pit bulls that have been given the test have passed, which ranks pit bulls ahead of beagles, Airedales, bearded collies, and all but one variety of dachshund."

This is a quote from the article I read. The test that is mentioned is a test that measures stability, shyness, aggressiveness, and friendliness in a dog's interaction with people.  The results alone prove that a pit bull doesn't have to be any more aggressive than any other dog. Its just the main type of dog that horrible people choose to train for fighting because they are ideally built to handle it. So next time you see what you think might be a pit bull, think before you give it an undeserved label  because that label could very well one day be the death of it.

Here is the article:,2933,215637,00.html

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